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Saturday, February 05, 2011

Info Pemakanan: Krimer (Creamer) dalam Minuman

We always put some creamer into our drink to replace the use of milk. Even for common 3in1 drinks, one of the major ingredients is creamer. Do you ever think about what is creamer? Flour? Powder milk?

There are 2 types of creamer: dairy and non-dairy.

Dairy creamer (Krimer berasaskan tenusu)

Based on milk source (lactose)

Non-Dairy creamer (Krimer tanpa tenusu)

This type of creamer is an alternative way for lactose intolerant individual to taste creamy drinks. But this kind of creamer is made by many artificial ingredients. Berikut adalah bahan2 yang selalunya terkandung dalam non-dairy creamer; Pepejal Sirap Glukosa, Lemak Sayuran (trans fat), Natrium Kaseinat (casein protein), Pengemulsi, Penstabil dan Natrium Silikoaluminat.

Many non-dairy creamers contain partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, a type of trans fat. Trans fats are more solid than oil, increasing product shelf-life (Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/273290-nutritional-information-for-non-dairy-creamer/#ixzz1D5Lat6Et). Example: Minyak isirung kelapa sawit. Kebanyakan minuman segera (instant) di Malaysia ni menggunakan minyak isirung sebagai non-dairy creamer.


Apakah isirung kelapa sawit?

Isirung adalah biji tunggal pada buah kelapa sawit. Bahagian ini kaya dengan minyak.


Adakah minyak isirung selamat dimakan?

Menurut seorang Dr. yang bekerja di fakulti yang berkaitan dengan pemakanan di salah sebuah IPT di Selangor, non dairy creamer adalah selamat untuk dimakan. Ianya dibuat daripada lemak palm kernel oil untuk mendapat rasa yang smooth. “Of course using low fat or skim milk adalah lebih berkhasiat dicampur dgn kopi or tea with less sugar. 3 in 1 also may have higher calories. So practise moderation and try not to eat too often”, tambah beliau.

Don’t get shock to know that some of non-dairy creamer may also contain casein protein (primary protein that is found in dairy products. Read more: Side Effects of Casein Protein | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5485878_side-effects-casein-protein.html#ixzz1D5K9MuNM) – to well bind the ingredient together.


Bacalah label sebelum beli. Jika they only provides “non-dairy creamer” pada ingredient, ia berkemungkinan mengandungi semua/mana2 bahan2 yang disebutkan di atas. Kadang kala pengusaha akan melabel secara detail mengenai bahan2 non-dairy creamer ni.



Side Effects of Casein Protein

Nutritional Information for Non-Dairy Creamer

Adakah Minuman Herba Campuran 5 Dalam 1 Benar-2 Berkhasiat?

Wikipedia: Kelapa sawit

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