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Sunday, December 20, 2020
Missha Magic Cushion Moist Up
Thursday, October 08, 2020
Petikan daripada ceramah Ustaz Kazim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIG608YIrWI
1. Allah uji dengan perasaan takut - Takut miskin, takut hilang orang kita sayang, takut susah - macam-macam bentuk ketakutan.
2. Allah uji dengan perasaan lapar - Dulu tak mampu beli, tapi nak makan. Sekarang dah mampu beli, tapi tak boleh makan - penyakit.
3. Allah uji dengan kehilangan harta - kebakaran, hilang barang.
4. Allah uji dengan kehilangan nyawa - kematian.
5. Allah uji dengan buah-buahan tidak menjadi - kerugian.
Apabila kita diuji, sebutlah Innalillah (Sesungguhnya kami datang daripada Allah, dan kepada Allah lah kami dikembalikan) - cara Allah nak betulkan kita supaya kita kembali kepada Allah.
Jadikan musibah sebagai iktibar.
Adab melawat orang sakit
Petikan daripada ceramah Ustaz Kazim. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIG608YIrWI
Hikmah ziarah orang sakit 70,000 malaikat berdoa minta ampun bagi pihak pelawat.
Adab melawat orang sakit.
1. Jangan makan depan orang sakit, jangan makan di rumah orang sakit. - pahala ziarah tiada.
2. Jangan sebut mengenai kematian depan orang sakit. Tambah kesedihan.
3. Jaga mata.
4. Jangan duduk lama-lama ketika ziarah (kecuali kaum kerabat).
5. Tidak semua sakit perlu ziarah.
Apabila kita diuji, sebutlah Innalillah (Sesungguhnya kami datang daripada Allah, dan kepada Allah lah kami dikembalikan)
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Semester 1 2020 2021 - MCO
This semester is the second semester that we are having our class online. The first semester was a bit challenging since all of us are partially ready for the online session at home. I am teaching the Mobile Application Development course for lectures and labs, and Machine Learning course for labs. 2 different courses using 2 different ways of writing the codes.
I have my classes in the morning and afternoon. I have no comments on that. There is no specific best time to teach and learn because it can happen when we have an interest.
As for the second week, I am happy with my classes and labs. As a lecturer, I set the rules, and I follow the rule. I prepared the housekeeping notes for the online lecture just to ensure everyone is on the same page. If the class started at 9.00am, I will ensure that I am ready with the MS Teams meeting at 8.55am. Create the meeting, remind on WhatsApp to join the class. I take their attendance in every session. In UNITEN, we have a QR Code system. It is very cool. The lecturer generates the QR code, the students scan the code using UNITENLife app. This code is valid within the class session only. Then I cross-check their attendance with my registered list just to ensure there are no missing participants.
Never kill their momentum in learning.
I attended a few online training sessions. Some lectures may cause me to lose focus. I understand that my students also may experience that. They are just a normal human being. I always interact with my students during the lecture. I am lucky because they responded to my query. In making the teaching more attractive, I have made a quick quiz to recap the chapter covered for that day. They enjoy it.
May Allah ease my work.
Alhamdulillah for all of His blessings.
Wednesday, April 01, 2020
We are in 2020
Today is the 1st of April 2020. Day 15 we are staying at home - Restricted Movement Order (RMO).
Early this year, Wuhan, China was attacked by a virus. This virus attacks the respiratory system, the lung - COVID19. This virus spread throughout the world including Malaysia. Due to safety reasons, the government have ordered the RMO. Only some businesses are allowed to operate physically. This includes hypermarket, market, mini market, hospitals, petrol stations and courier services. Others, you can still run your work but in online mode.
Initially, the RMO period is 14 days. Due to the increasing number of people affected, the government have decided to extend it for another 2 weeks.
In my university, we are still working as usual. All classes are conducted virtually. All materials are online from the beginning. But now we have to extend the deliverables into online, video recording - previously face-to-face.
I personally enjoy working from home. I don't have to face the traffic, I save a lot in my petrol and tolls. I have time to cook my meals at all time. This saves a lot of money.
But what comes to my concern is the groceries. People are queuing everywhere including Tesco and market. Whole online groceries are fully booked until the end of the month. We are not allowed to cross the district (without any valid reason) anymore. Just buy what we have in our area.
The front liners are doing their best. We just have to stay at home to break the virus chain. The front liners struggle to keep up with the number of patients and controlling the crowd. We are at home also keep up with our rationality. I admit, sometimes I do feel emotionally distracted and stress by just staying at home.
I keep on reminding myself, I am working from Monday-Friday, 8.00am - 5.15pm. Please allocate my working time well. Recently, I tend to overwork until night time - not good. At the end of the day, family matters. Spend more time with our family.
Well, it is time to survive.